say, that game is that good, huh? I recently got a picture from my friend of a FF7 fanart.
I'll bet a battered ham that game isn't as good as people remember it. me and my friends are going to become a Content Powerhouse with a Let's Play feature called "Pixel Rot" (there are others like animation, comics etc)
still, despite my unpopular opinion (i doubt it sucks tho, not to insult a game that had 8 FUCKING DISCS!!) I did find many inspirations from that game;
Sepiroth's theme,
Vincent Valentine's look,
the sky is the god damn limit when it comes to JRPGs do you
I'm sure your animation will go big. ha. have fun animating
i think you're fine to post the finished product as long as you credit them, yeah.
though i suggest reaching out to them and asking them for permission just to be safe